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Braille Greek and Math

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Greek and Math (Braille)




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Braille Greek has always been hard to do, both for students/teachers and the (few) transcribers; Braillekoinè stands as an excellent choice, that has everything is needed:
- students can read it on a braille display and/or hear it through a screen reader;
- teachers can see on a screen those very expressions as printed on the textbook.
The software's window is split into two parts: the upper one shows the full transcription of the text, that can be both in italian and greek language, with all its accents and symbols, while the lower one shows its braille equivalent (using the 6- or 8-dots coding), that can be read by the braille display or played by JAWS or even printed on paper. With this piece of software the student (or the teacher) can also write his own texts, for instance when he needs to do his exercises, right on the personal computer, since its input method is efficient and easy to operate; finally, those braille exercises can be corrected by the teacher, who displays them in standard symbols on his monitor.

ex braillekoiné
An example of a Braillekoiné transcript.

Lambda software gives to those who study any scientific subject, with formulae or calculations, just what they need to be able to read/listen to and to compose with ease. Transcriptions that are made using Lambda can be read on a braille display (following the 8-dots code) or listened to through a screen reader, and displayed at the same time on the computer monitor as if they were printed on a book. The student will be able to do his exercises and show them to his teacher, since everything that's been written can be displayed on a monitor (and on a braille display or screen reader, of course) under the standar rules of mathematic graphics.

ex lambda
An example of a lambda transcript.

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