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Italian Version
SophiGraphic is a new enterprise, born in 2009, fully committed to schoolbooks adaptations for the visually impaired (as well as other graphic jobs and translations to and from English). Such specialization allows SophiGraphic to employ its longer-than-a-decade experience and its knowledge of the braille system and large-font prints, and to offer a high quality product with a hand-made binding.

We own excellent quality laser printers and have access to fast braille embossers, so we can guarantee that the students will rely on a book specifically created for their own needs, carefully built and (most importantly) delivered by the start of the school year, or in a very short time if the order is made after its beginning. For blind people we can also make simple images in stand-alone tables or embedded within the book. Each book is hand-binded with a unique cover similar to the original book; common bindings can be paperback or plastic spiral, but we also try to satisfy other needs. We adopted CoLibrì protection system, which wraps the book up with a light and transparent plastic cover.

We also provide the new service of adapting texts coming directly from the publisher: many educational publishers have pledged to give a copy (mostly in .pdf format) ot the schoolbook to each visually impaired student who asks for it. It is very common though that, especially with regard to scientific or mathematic books, such copies are useless because they cannot be accessed by the screen-reading software or by the refreshable braille display. If we can work on the .pdf copy sent to the student by the publishers, and only for his personal use, the output will have a higher quality and accuracy and it will take less time for us to deliver it, thus resulting in a better-looking and lower-priced product. In this case we can also give the customer a copy of the book in a format for the most commonly used softwares such as .doc, .rtf, .odt, .pdf, .txt or .bra.

Last but not least, we are also able to transcript sheet music and scores into large-print and braille, for the students of public and private music schools.

We answer to every question regarding all kinds of services, and we provide estimates in two working days, from the receipt of the book to be transcripted.

Who am I?
That is a good question. My name is Giorgio Callegari, and I was born in Padova in 1980. I have attended the scientific high school Ippolito Nievo, then I got a degree in Political Sciences - International curriculum - with a particular focus on Human Rights.
I have been working in the field of braille system and large-font adaptations for almost 15 years, with some breaks.
I like to think of myself as a writer, in my free time; I even published two books: a small collection of thoughts and poems, titled "L'inganno dell'essere umano" (The deceit of being human / of the human being), and a short novel, rather crude to tell the truth, a sort of noir/pulp novel, named "Bobby & Joe". They are both for sale, but they are written in Italian; right now I'm toying with a second novel, but it's far from over.

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